Creative Financing

Payment Options And Methods For Any Budget!

Own your system

Own it

Host it

you hold the keys to the system

Circa Energy holds the key to the system

FREE clean energy for 25 years or more

Buy the solar energy at a below-market rate for over 25 years

How to pay

How to pay

- Cash
- Same as cash
- Home equity load

- FREE system
- Monthly energy bill

Save thousands of dollars over the years no matter what option you choose

Once we install your Circa solar power plant, all the energy produced by the system is yours to use at no charge. Todays Federal and State rebates are sure to wow you. There has never been a better time to go solar. Circa Energy will monitor your system from a distance, and if anything goes wrong, we will dispatch our technicians to come take a look. We don’t leave you behind! Read more about owning your own system below:​

1. Same as Cash

Let us handle your 12 months financing at 0% interest on FDIC approved loans for your solar system!

2. Home Equity Loan

Our banking expert will help understand the advantages of rolling your Circa Energy system within your home mortgage. You may consult your tax expert about potential tax benefits as well. We take care of it all for you!

All Federal, State and local rebates go to you. Depending on where you’re located, you can reduce or get back up to 30% off the Circa Energy solar system purchase price!

You can offset 30% of the total cost of installing a Circa Energy solar system on your tax return in the form of a tax rebate which means you get the full amount!

A taxpayer may claim a credit of 30% of qualified expenditures for a system that serves a dwelling unit located in the United States that is owned and used as a residence by the taxpayer. Expenditures with respect to the equipment are treated as made when the installation is completed. If the installation is at a new home, the placed in service date is the date of occupancy by the homeowner.

Expenditures include labor costs for on-site preparation, assembly or original system installation, and for piping or wiring to interconnect a system to the home. If the federal tax credit exceeds tax liability, the excess amount may be carried forward to the succeeding taxable year. The excess credit may be carried forward until 2016, but it is unclear whether the unused tax credit can be carried forward after then.

Most states offer grants or rebates on solar installations. Some cities or counties also offer similar incentives to help you reduce your initial costs of installing your solar energy plant. Take a look at the variety of options, or speak to one of our representatives to get the latest updates on how much you can save based on your state or local area.

While youre away, your house is generating energy but youre not using it. Meanwhile at night, when you have the lights and TV blaring, your solar system is sitting idle. You could buy a battery to store the extra energy you generate during the day, but depending on what state you live in, theres another option that allows you to send extra power to the grid in exchange for banked energy credits that you can use when you need it.

Its called net metering. As that excess energy is being generated, your power meter spins backward rather than forward, giving you a credit that you can use to pay for your future energy use (you can roll over excess electricity to your next bill, just as many cell phone companies let you roll over minutes).

Energy Credits, also known as Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) are purchased from you by an aggregator who sells it to your local utility company. Yes, you can sell back energy after years of buying it! Typically after producing one megawatt of power that has been consumed by your home, you receive an SREC often times worth a few hundred dollars or more that you sell back to the utility for thousands of dollars once you produce a whole lot of megawatts! Take a look if you live in: Maryland, Missouri and Illinois.

Let Circa Energy Host Your System

If you believe time is money, the most simple way to go solar is the Circa Energy Power Purchase Agreement. Its very similar to buying power from your utility company, only we need your roof to put solar panels on it. Once installed, sit back, relax and let Circa Energy take care of the rest!

We fully maintain the solar system free of any parts or labor charges for the next 20 years! We even guarantee your power! Insurance up to 2 million and we have you covered. Going solar is about as simple as drinking your favorite Latte or Cappuccino; enjoy solar energy with the peace of mind knowing that you have the mojo to power your own home.